Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 14

I feel amazing! It has almost been 2 short weeks of working out, and I am feeling great! I took this morning off, I was tired, and I some food didn't sit well with me last night- if you catch my drift! I am down 10 pounds, and going strong! I will have to admit, I haven't posted a picture yet, mostly because I am sick about what it looks like! I will post when I am down 25 pounds, so that I look a little more decent!!! I am now running 1.5 miles on the treadmill, and consistently doing 45 minutes of cardio! The weight training is going well, I have started using the "Body for Life" weight training as a guide, and I am really enjoying it. Now for the last week's cycle class- I have to give props to my girlfriend Trish! She teaches this class at a gym in Draper, and I can honestly say- how in the heck did you teach this 9 months pregnant??? I got spanked! I loved the class, I had an amazing instructor, he was very entertaining, thank goodness, and challenging. I walked out of the class, legs shaking, and my entire head was like a wet mop! I am looking forward to Thursday this week to do it again!!!

As for my eating, I've been doing quite well. I am trying to eat every 2-3 hours, so that I don't get hungry and go nuts. I am staying away from soda, white sugar, and white flour,- yes, I've had a bite here, and a banana brownie there. But nothing like I used to. I tell everyone I know, I am a firm believer that 85% of weight loss is what you eat! You can work out, but if you eat like crap, you aren't going to lose any weight! I have been doing 3 protein shakes a day, eating apples, vegi's and lean meats. I don't generally feel hungry until Bry whips out the ice cream, then I just head to bed!

Next point, GET SOME REST! I now understand that my body needs more, MUCH MORE than 5 hours of sleep. This may have worked for me in my 20's but not anymore! I go to bed between 8:30 and 10 every single night. And I need it! I can actually go work out, and not come home and need to crawl back in bed- GO FIGURE!

I am down to 73 days, and I am feeling a little anxious! I can't wait to go to the beach, lay in the sun, and enjoy myself- I have so much work ahead of me, I know it will pay off if I can stay focused!!!

If you have any advice, leave me a comment, I am running 1.5 miles this week, then jumping up to 2 next week! First of June, I will start the "Hal Higdon" training guide for a 1/2 marathon!



luke & sammy said...

So exciting! I keep getting motivated and quiting, hopefully your blog will give me inspiration. Plus I am waiting for finals to get over so I can have a husband again!

Momzoo said...

you don't do anything half way do you?

Keep it up lady!

Trish said...

Yay on the spin class! Now that I look back...I just couldn't quit exercising - even when pregnant. It feels so great! And it was a great motivator not to gain too much weight during the pregnancy. So...good for you for trying it out! You have done this weight loss thing before - you can do it again!!!

Jen Carpenter said...

THANK YOU EVERYONE! Yes, it is all or nothing! I am determined to do this!!! AS FOR SPIN- I may have to start doing it twice a week, I am really loving it, it was a work out like no other, and I loved it!!!

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

way to go.i'm a big fan of rest days. you deserve them...plus i think it helps prevent burning out. :) good job!