Friday, January 1, 2010


I know I am ready for 2010- I have so many goals physically that I want to accomplish, that I can't wait to get going! Yes, it is 4:19 a.m. on January 1, 2010- HOW EXCITING!!! I am up and in my workout gear, and so excited I could NOT sleep. I've been toying with which route I want to go for my eating plan, and came up with several different options. I've decided the one that makes the most sense for me is to go back to WEIGHT WATCHERS! Not only have I seen great success before with WW, but I can still cook/eat what I feed my family, and it is regular food. The plan is to do the Online program and attend weekly meetings. I will get set-up today, and decide which meeting I will attend. With this, I will be able to train for my 1/2 marathon and marathon this summer, and be able to consume the calories that my body needs. VERY EXCITED!

I will be following the Hal Higdon training for beginning marathoners, switching my long runs to Saturdays, it is a great program and the one I followed for my last 2 half marathons. Along with this, I need to figure out what weight/strength training I will be doing. Losing weight is fabulous, but having saggy skin is SO NOT HOT! That is today's problem solver!

Here is to MISSION: POSSIBLE 2010

Pictures to come, weight and measurements will be posted, and deadlines to meet...

A Bientot!