Sunday, October 19, 2008


5 things I learned from Jillian Michaels

I met Jillian Michaels yesterday; she's one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser--and my new favorite person.

Here's what she had to say.


I told Jillian that some of my habits--flushing rice down the toilet so I won't eat it, bringing my own high-fiber bread to brunch--stirred some controversy on the blog. "Why?" she asked. "Why should we apologize for the practices that help us manage the symptoms while we deal with the real reasons we eat? I pour candle wax on my food at restaurants," Jillian admitted. "Not wanting to 'waste food' is a poor excuse for ending up far worse off later on, dealing with all the health problems that come with obesity." (Here are a few restaurant do's and dont's to help you maintain your healthy eating goals while dining out.)

2.) RUN.
I asked Jillian if running really is the best form of cardio for weight loss. "Absolutely," she said. "There are lots of great ways to get your heart rate up, but if you want to see the pounds melt off, running is the fastest way. But I get that not everyone is built for it--knee problems, tight IT bands, heel spurs; I get it." Whatever you do, she said, "Don't forget the weights! The more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will run."(What's better running outdoors or on a treadmill?)

"You don't watch the Olympics and think, Hmm, I should swim for 6 hours a day like Michael Phelps, do you? But you might think about joining a pool and swimming a few times a week," she said. That's what Jillian wants people watching TBL to think, too: "If these people can lose ten pounds in two weeks, maybe I can lose ten pounds in a couple of months." She adds: "I want people to realize their own potential; I meet people all the time who never thought of themselves as athletic, but now? They truly are athletes."

"Losing weight is not about willpower--it's about moments of bravado, like the moment when you ask your waiter to take the bread away from the table right away."

When I told Jillian how much weight I've lost, she congratulated me. And then (as I always do), I added, "But I still have a long way to go." "Stop," she said. "What does that do," she said, "apart from negate everything you've already accomplished? You're being self-deprecating and disempowering, and that doesn't serve anyone-and especially not you. Be proud of what you've done for yourself."

Got it, Jillian. Thank you! :- )

What do you guys think--is weight loss about willpower? I happen to agree with Jillian and think it's NOT. It's not about gritting your teeth and finding the strength "deep within you"--I think that's B.S. and will leave many people feeling really bad that they can't find it. They key, I think, is to set up your environment and make decisions so that you can succeed even when willpower is nowhere to be found.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Good Morning everyone! Starting off today just ducky! I am going to start spotlighting a few guests here and there, and the first one will be my sister-in-law, Michelle. Michelle emailed me last night, and I am just going to post the email she sent me! She is an amazing mom of 3, she has had her ups and downs in life just like the rest of us- here is her story!

Hi Jen,

Here's my weight goals. Thanks for asking me to do this. It is good motivation as I looked at my weight chart for this year, I recommitted myself to finishing my personal challenge. Feel free to use any of what I wrote (or none at all).

Love ya,


Title: Cheerleaders!!

Cheerleaders, we all need them; sometimes they are our husbands, children, family members, friends or even someone random (aka Jillian from Biggest Loser). At least in my life I’ve found that I need someone in my “corner” cheering me on. Why? I’m not sure. Maybe my, “I can do it myself” attitude has worn off over the years.

My biggest struggle is my weight and staying focused on getting healthy…. There’s always tomorrow, right? It’s not about being skinning or HOT!! (I’m so beyond that point). For me, it’s about being healthy; it’s about being active with my family. It’s about leading by example.

So with all that said, I need some “cheerleaders”. I stepped on my bathroom scale on January 2, 2008 – knowing the number would be awful. My clothes, which were size 24 at the time, we getting tight – not a good sign. So putting aside my pride I’m sharing with everyone the TRUE numbers. On that life-changing day, I weighed in at 274 pounds. (Super-duper fat, believe me I know)…. Then and there I decided to make a change, as I looked at myself in the mirror (with tears of disappointment rolling down my face) I told myself, you can lose 100 pounds this year! Believe in yourself, you can do this. That "personal" conversation still plays through my mind today.

The first month I changed our eating habits and lost weight – over the next few months I would bounce from 274-266. In March 08 – my family (great cheerleaders - love ya all!) started a “Carpenter Biggest Loser” good motivation, good cheerleaders, and great competition. I started running/walking in May with a very special friend – again, another great cheerleader. In July we had our official weigh-in at our beach house in Carlsbad , California . I was the WINNER!! I lost the most weight and now weighted 230. Great motivation to continue, right!! You’d think. But about this time, I fell off the wagon. In fact, I totaled the wagon and now I’m working from a new one. Although I didn’t gain everything back I have gained more than I would of liked to.

As of today, October 6th 2008 – my current weight is 241.2 and my goal to lose 100 pounds by the end of 2008 will not be easy at this point. It WILL take a lot of commitment, encouragement, accountability, and yes…. Cheerleaders.

I hope to share with everyone my journey – the highs and lows over the next 86 days and hopefully 67 pounds of weight loss. I WILL do this. My day for change has come, it is now…..

GOAL at Weigh-in:

10/13 – 234

10/20 – 229

10/27 – 224

11/03 – 219

11/10 – 214

11/17 – 209

11/24 – 204

12/01 – 199

12/08 – 194

12/15 – 189

12/22 – 184

12/29 – 179

1/5/09 – 174

Good luck MIchelle! I know you can do this, you have come so far already!!!!

Our first goal besides the numbers on the scale is to run 2 miles straight on a treadmill by November 1st! Anyone who'd like to join us, please drop us a comment!

Monday, October 6, 2008


What a long week...Well here are the stats...

Weight last week: 205.6

Weight this morning: 203.2

Total lost: 2.4 pounds!

Not too bad, but I ate horribly this weekend! This time of year always gets to me- the sugar, Halloween, sugar cookies, all of it!

I am going to try hard to have one bad day, as far as eating wise, the points are easy to stay within my range, but I need to find new stuff to eat.

I was at my SIL'S house this week, I will be mentioning her from time to time. She has been losing weight this year, I am going to have her email me her stats, she wants to have lost 100 pounds by December 31st! She is down I think 40, but she is doing amazing!

She had something like this on her fridge, so I am going to do it here on the side bar for myself! It is a cool way to track your weight!

Here's to WEEK 6, wish me luck!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Okay, so I broke down and had a zinger, and chips and salsa. But I did stop there. Human, yes. Perfect on points- fine, I do have an extra 35 for the week. But terrible choice on foods. So here we go today. So far

Protein Shake= 4 points
1 c. blueberries= 2 points
4 cups water= 0 points

6 so far and it is almost 12.

I am going to try so hard to get all my fruits/vegis in for the day, my 2 tsp. oil (healthy fats) , my 10 cups water (my amount), take my calcium drink ( not a big milker), and I am going to the gym tonight.

I am doing great so far, my day should be great!

Had an emotional break down/through last night, feeling better about losing weight, yes I am tired of it, but am I that tired of it? YES, BECAUSE I AM DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Pictures to come soon, let me hit 190 and I'll post all past, disgusting over 200 lbs. pix! You won't want to miss it!!!

You'll die, they are not for those who have weak stomaches!

I'm out!

*Thanks to "Losing it with Jillian" for keeping my head in the game!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


For your and my entertainment, I am back in the saddle again!

Last night, I went to work out at my fitness center, while the Biggest Loser was on, yes, that is the first time I've watched it without gorging myself full of sugar!

65 minutes on the elliptical at Level 5
30 minutes of walking at 3.0 (slow down sista!)

I stretched, and that was it! It felt good to be doing something, I am so out of shape! I am going again tonight to do more cardio, and some weight lifting, we'll see how it goes, if the hubby gets home in time from WY!

I have eaten good so far today, here are the eats:

4 cups water= 0 points
2 eggs, scrambled= 5 points
1/8 c. salsa, homemade=0 points
10 strips of turkey bacon=10 points (over board, but so worth it!)
1 med. apple= 2 points
2 cups fresh/frozen blueberries= 2

so I have 7 points left for the day, and here is dinner

Protein Shake= 5 points

I don't know what else. I am having a shake cuz I need chocolate. Not because of health purposes!!!

Also, I have Zingers in the cupboard that hubby brought home, and I am not going to have any, I had 2 yesterday, and that did me in!!!

Trying to be good!

I hope to be at 201 or less on Monday, wish me luck!