Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Chicken Fettucini Alfredo...oooohhh, MY FAVORITE, BUT the scary word- ALREDO! I love my cream sauce just like the next person, and that is why I am going to share with you my FAVORITE, favorite, universal sauce that is only 135 calories per cup, prepared! Delicious!!! And let me tell you, I don't use 1 cup, I use 1/3 of a cup so that is only 1 pt. since I am doing Weight Watchers! Also, I make the full serving, and because the Universal Sauce, is, well- UNIVERSAL, I put the rest in the fridge to use on other meals/recipes through out the week! (more to come later...) How fabulous is that!

Here's the recipe, and the links to Shirley J as well, I love their products! I am hoping to have all of their products broken down into points. They are a great way to stretch your budget and perfectly portion out your meals whether there is 2 of you or 10~


Alfredo Sauce:

3 c. water
1 cup Shirley J Universal Sauce
1/2 tsp. Shirley J Chicken Bouillon
1/4 tsp. cayenne
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1-2 T. Shirley J Pizza/Pasta Seasoning (this really makes it!)


In a medium saucepan, add water and Shirley J Universal Sauce, mix thoroughly and bring to a slow boil. Add bouillon, cayenne, black pepper, and pizza/pasta seasonings. Remove from heat.

I will usually put this sauce over fettucini. I use 1 cup of cooked pasta (3-4 pts., depending on brand) I will also add 3 oz. of diced grilled chicken to top it (3 PTS)! Amazing Chicken Fettucini Alfredo dinner for a point value of....

7 pts. for an amazingly delicious dinner!
Pair this dish with a green salad and a balsamic dressing, and you've got a wonderful, healthy lunch or dinner for 7 points! Now that is what I call LIVING!
Happy Cook'n!

Monday, May 24, 2010

starting on MONDAY!

This is the classic phrase that I get the biggest kick out of! It's Friday, or Wednesday, but don't worry, cuz...I'm starting on Monday! Ever heard it? It goes around and around, til it is a month later and we all weigh more and our jeans are just a bit tighter! This time around, that wasn't my "phrase".
I started going back to Weight Watchers (WW) about 3 weeks ago, on a Thursday?! And although I am only a few pounds down, I feel more motivated each day to be a little better with my eating and to work out. I have been off of Diet Coke now for a whole 2 days...and I hope in 2 more days I won't want it! I've had my roller-coaster of a ride, that is for sure, but I am committed to getting healthy, I really have NO MORE EXCUSES. My youngest is almost five, and this fall, all of my children will be in school all day. ... so really- GET R DONE! Here is the plan this week...

  1. Most important, stay on track and follow the good food healthy guidelines. (more on that later)
  2. Exercise EVERY day for 1 hour.
  3. Swim, SOAK up the sun!
  5. Track WW Points.

I have found a fabulous recipe with low points, that is nutritious and delicious! I will post it later, just have to make sure I have the correct point value! You will love it!



Friday, May 14, 2010

Carlsbad Countdown!

It seems like every year, I get on a kick...or shall I say I get a kick in the rear and decide to get moving cuz our beach vaca is fast approaching. I've decided to call it the "Carlsbad Countdown"! I am so excited for our beach vacation this year, but before I expand on that, I've got some slimming down/toning up to do! Stay with me on this crazy journey I call my personal trial. I am not where I want to be, but I have one question for you-

This has been on my mind ever since I watched the Biggest Loser on Wednesday (thank goodness for the DVR)...so I have been thinking and realizing what it is I really want, here are a few things and they are about me and for me...
  1. I want to run a marathon.
  2. I want to be healthy but still live life.
  3. I want to feel good on the inside about how I look on the outside.
  4. I want to have energy.
  5. I want to celebrate life by living, not through eating.
  6. I want to teach my children how live and be healthy.
  7. I want to do this for me.
  8. I want to be strong, physically.
  9. I want to have rock hard abs.
  10. I want to have smaller legs. Less jiggle.
  11. I want to have a toned body.
  12. I want to get up each day with a smile on my face and want to work out!

This is only the beginning...I've got a lot to say, but it is 9:45 a.m. and I am off to the gym. I'll be back to let you know how it goes down.