Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Chicken Fettucini Alfredo...oooohhh, MY FAVORITE, BUT the scary word- ALREDO! I love my cream sauce just like the next person, and that is why I am going to share with you my FAVORITE, favorite, universal sauce that is only 135 calories per cup, prepared! Delicious!!! And let me tell you, I don't use 1 cup, I use 1/3 of a cup so that is only 1 pt. since I am doing Weight Watchers! Also, I make the full serving, and because the Universal Sauce, is, well- UNIVERSAL, I put the rest in the fridge to use on other meals/recipes through out the week! (more to come later...) How fabulous is that!

Here's the recipe, and the links to Shirley J as well, I love their products! I am hoping to have all of their products broken down into points. They are a great way to stretch your budget and perfectly portion out your meals whether there is 2 of you or 10~


Alfredo Sauce:

3 c. water
1 cup Shirley J Universal Sauce
1/2 tsp. Shirley J Chicken Bouillon
1/4 tsp. cayenne
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1-2 T. Shirley J Pizza/Pasta Seasoning (this really makes it!)


In a medium saucepan, add water and Shirley J Universal Sauce, mix thoroughly and bring to a slow boil. Add bouillon, cayenne, black pepper, and pizza/pasta seasonings. Remove from heat.

I will usually put this sauce over fettucini. I use 1 cup of cooked pasta (3-4 pts., depending on brand) I will also add 3 oz. of diced grilled chicken to top it (3 PTS)! Amazing Chicken Fettucini Alfredo dinner for a point value of....

7 pts. for an amazingly delicious dinner!
Pair this dish with a green salad and a balsamic dressing, and you've got a wonderful, healthy lunch or dinner for 7 points! Now that is what I call LIVING!
Happy Cook'n!

Monday, May 24, 2010

starting on MONDAY!

This is the classic phrase that I get the biggest kick out of! It's Friday, or Wednesday, but don't worry, cuz...I'm starting on Monday! Ever heard it? It goes around and around, til it is a month later and we all weigh more and our jeans are just a bit tighter! This time around, that wasn't my "phrase".
I started going back to Weight Watchers (WW) about 3 weeks ago, on a Thursday?! And although I am only a few pounds down, I feel more motivated each day to be a little better with my eating and to work out. I have been off of Diet Coke now for a whole 2 days...and I hope in 2 more days I won't want it! I've had my roller-coaster of a ride, that is for sure, but I am committed to getting healthy, I really have NO MORE EXCUSES. My youngest is almost five, and this fall, all of my children will be in school all day. ... so really- GET R DONE! Here is the plan this week...

  1. Most important, stay on track and follow the good food healthy guidelines. (more on that later)
  2. Exercise EVERY day for 1 hour.
  3. Swim, SOAK up the sun!
  5. Track WW Points.

I have found a fabulous recipe with low points, that is nutritious and delicious! I will post it later, just have to make sure I have the correct point value! You will love it!



Friday, May 14, 2010

Carlsbad Countdown!

It seems like every year, I get on a kick...or shall I say I get a kick in the rear and decide to get moving cuz our beach vaca is fast approaching. I've decided to call it the "Carlsbad Countdown"! I am so excited for our beach vacation this year, but before I expand on that, I've got some slimming down/toning up to do! Stay with me on this crazy journey I call my personal trial. I am not where I want to be, but I have one question for you-

This has been on my mind ever since I watched the Biggest Loser on Wednesday (thank goodness for the DVR)...so I have been thinking and realizing what it is I really want, here are a few things and they are about me and for me...
  1. I want to run a marathon.
  2. I want to be healthy but still live life.
  3. I want to feel good on the inside about how I look on the outside.
  4. I want to have energy.
  5. I want to celebrate life by living, not through eating.
  6. I want to teach my children how live and be healthy.
  7. I want to do this for me.
  8. I want to be strong, physically.
  9. I want to have rock hard abs.
  10. I want to have smaller legs. Less jiggle.
  11. I want to have a toned body.
  12. I want to get up each day with a smile on my face and want to work out!

This is only the beginning...I've got a lot to say, but it is 9:45 a.m. and I am off to the gym. I'll be back to let you know how it goes down.

Friday, January 1, 2010


I know I am ready for 2010- I have so many goals physically that I want to accomplish, that I can't wait to get going! Yes, it is 4:19 a.m. on January 1, 2010- HOW EXCITING!!! I am up and in my workout gear, and so excited I could NOT sleep. I've been toying with which route I want to go for my eating plan, and came up with several different options. I've decided the one that makes the most sense for me is to go back to WEIGHT WATCHERS! Not only have I seen great success before with WW, but I can still cook/eat what I feed my family, and it is regular food. The plan is to do the Online program and attend weekly meetings. I will get set-up today, and decide which meeting I will attend. With this, I will be able to train for my 1/2 marathon and marathon this summer, and be able to consume the calories that my body needs. VERY EXCITED!

I will be following the Hal Higdon training for beginning marathoners, switching my long runs to Saturdays, it is a great program and the one I followed for my last 2 half marathons. Along with this, I need to figure out what weight/strength training I will be doing. Losing weight is fabulous, but having saggy skin is SO NOT HOT! That is today's problem solver!

Here is to MISSION: POSSIBLE 2010

Pictures to come, weight and measurements will be posted, and deadlines to meet...

A Bientot!