Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yes, I know!

I've struggled even getting near this computer but, here we go! No picture at the moment, but here are the stats (brave little me!)...

Starting weight on Sept. 1... 215 lbs...
Week 2: 207.4
Week 3: 203.4
Right Now: 200.2 lbs.

SO THERE YOU GO! pRETTy disgusting if you want to really know! It grosses me out even more! What started this whole regime, is a contest going on between me and a few of my siblings... We started our own "Biggest Loser Challenge", I don't know how much I can divulge, so this is all I will say for now!

I've been basically following the Weight Watcher's Points, but eating a high protein, low carb diet. The only problem is if you don't eat enough GREENS, your digestive track will hate you! I had a weak moment today, and I had a Diet Coke, it was either that or junk food, so I went with the caffeine. Here is a sneak peak into my upcoming week:

  • Sad but true, I get 28 points on WW, and that is a ton of food, I only try to eat 24, so that I can drop the weight quicker...
  • I have a new motto: RUN LIKE HELL... get my point...
  • Work out at least 3-6 times a week. If I get it done in the morning, I rock it, in the afternoon, not so affective (effective?)...
  • One really bad eating day (at least 1/2 of my weekly allowance points of 35)
  • Drink tons and tons of water! I keep water in the car, water at the desk, in the kitchen, YOU GET THE POINT!
  • Take 1 hydroxycut in the morning before I work out. Wakes me up, it is seriously just like drinking a red bull or diet coke. Pathetic I know, I don't take one everyday, but some days, I need a JOLT!

so that is it! Nothing special or fancy, just trying to be balanced and practical, after all I have a husband, 3 kids, cleaning, cooking, and everything else to do!

I'd love to hear what you are doing, any special tips, tricks, what not-to do's, and any low fat recipes would be great!

Best of luck in your journey!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

All I can say is breakfast is the most important meal of the day - don't skip it and make it good!- If you like oatmeal it is the best.