Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Holy hanna banana! I can't believe it has been almost a month since I last posted! It seems if I am not on the computer all the time, then I am so far behind on my blogging! I am trying to be more consistent, so wish me luck!

I've updated my weight loss goals and oh my, I've got a WAYS TO GO!!! Wish me luck, tonight I am meeting a good friend and we are going running...yes, entertaining thought I know! I am staying mentally positive, because that is the only way to win at this!

Also, as far as Weight Watchers goes, I am going back Saturday morning! I got caught up in the daily routine with family, kids sporting events, and pure LAZINESS... so off to the weigh in, and then I will use the weigh in from that to use on my "actual weight!"...

I've promised a picture for so long and you are about to get it, with inches and everything. I want to make a book out of this once I have reached my goal weight. Stay tuned!

P.S. Did I mention, I am running the Provo Freedom Festival 10k and also the Provo River Half-Marathon!!! I've wanted to forever, and I paid my fees, so here I come!