Thursday, April 23, 2009

How long has it been...

WHAT IS UP!!! How long has it seriously been, WAY TOO LONG! I am back, folks! And so excited! Today I decided it was time to start making some commitments, and this was a priority! I need to update this blog with photos, recipes, workouts, thoughts, fears, and anything else I can imagine about weight loss! Give me a few days, I am picking up the new camera tomorrow, and we will get going.

I have officially gone back to Weight Watchers. I've lost weight there 3 different times, been successful every time and then we've moved and I've had excuses as to stopping- but I am back. FOR GOOD.
Reasons I love Weight Watchers:
  • I love my friends that I met at WW. AMAZING PEOPLE!
  • I love the meetings.
  • I love that other people are going through the same crappy trial as I am with food.
  • I am constantly inspired to be better when I know I am paying money to step on a scale. (Sad but true)
  • I can eat whatever I want just not all of it!
  • It is a way of life.
  • I love that they teach you to feel better inside and out.
  • I love that I am taking a night off for just me, to focus on just me.
  • I love knowing and mark my words, that when I am a LIFE TIME MEMBER with WW, I will be at a very healthy weight, a single digit size in clothing, and have finally accomplished my goal of running a HALF MARATHON with a few of my BFF's!!!
That is it for tonight. I am tired and I've got to go figure out my points for breakfast. I am hoping to revamp the blog by Monday~

Thanks for joining me in this journey, keep posted for some fabulous happenings in the everyday life of Jen- she's BACK!


Erin Fugal said...

well i for one am excited for an update...keep up the good work

JOY said...

Hi! Thanks for the nice comments on my blog! I'm loving your blog - I'm trying to lose the 30 lbs I gained 2 years ago - I keep going down 5-10 then back up 5-10. Thanks for the motivation to try again!